Book title: The little book that beats the market

Author: Joel Greenblatt

Publisher: John Wiley and Sons, Inc

Published date: 2006

Genre: Nonfiction, Stock market

Number of pages: 155

Book price: Rs.1272/-

Why write this book?

At the very beginning of Joel Greenblatt’s book ‘The little book that beats the market’ author gives his motivation in writing this book. His reason – the book was originally inspired by my desire to give each of my five children a gift. I figured if I could teach them how to make money for themselves, then I would be giving them a great gift.’

The book contains

Greenblatt; a successful investing professional and also an Ivy League business school professor, in the book take up and explain some of the questions: how to view the stock market? Why success eludes almost all individual and preferred investors? How to find good companies at bargain price? Etc. These questions help the reader in understanding the ‘ins and outs’ of stock market. Author divides the book into thirteen chapters, which are a combination of profound insights and introduces most stock market concepts.    

Chapter 1

Greenblatt starts the chapter narrating the story of a six grader Jason; his son’s friend from school, who runs a business of selling gum. Jason buys four or five packs a day, for 25 cents for a pack that has five sticks of gum to a package, and sells each stick of gum for 25 cents. In the process Jason rakes up $1.25 for each pack. Observing this author one day asks his son –‘how much do you think Jason can make by the end of high school?’ After a few calculations the author’s son comes with a figure of over $4000. The investing teacher in the author springs up and he asks ‘if Jason offered to sell you half his business, how much would you pay?’ This simple question forces the son to come up with different figures; by taking higher or lower estimates. As the discussion proceeds between the father and son duo, and more calculations are done the idea of ‘buying a business for a lot less that what it is worth’ springs up. Greenblatt uses the rest of the book for making the reader/small investor understand where to look and how to buy these bargains.

Chapter 2

In the chapter author makes the reader understand the concept and importance of investing. First Greenblatt talks that – ‘by being careful about how much you spend, you have some money put aside say $1000.’ According to the author the challenge is to put that money where it can grow to make more money. Thereon the author discusses the merits and demerits of investing that money from: burying under a mattress; no change in the original, investing in banks; earn a small interest on the original, and investing in business as bonds; it pays, say8%, each year and pays back original $1000 after 10 years – surely investing in bonds is better than investing in banks, but what ‘if something goes wrong in business of the company you buy bond from and you are not able to get neither your interest nor your original.’ Then author discusses the U.S. government bond; risk free investment, and explains that ‘if anyone asks you to loan, they better expect to pay more than, say 6% per year, U.S. government bonds. ’           

 Chapter 3    

Greenblatt in the chapter thinks of investing in Jason’s gum business; from chapter 1. Author supposes that – ‘Jason’s gum business has grown tremendously and he now wants $6 million for half ownership of his business. And for that he has decided to divide ownership of his business into a million equal pieces or shares. Jason plans to keep 500,000 shares for himself and sell his other 500,000 share for $12 apiece or $6 million in total.’ Now the author comes to the important question –‘whether buying a share at $12 apiece good business for the investor?’ Greenblatt answers that investor needs to look at the information provided by Jason’s company ‘we know that Jason wants $12 for each share and that there are 1 million shares in total so this means that Jason thinks his business is worth $12 million.’ But the investor needs to find that for themselves. Therefore author continues to look at the figures provided by Jason ‘last year Jason sold a total of $10 million worth of gum form the 10 stores, of course the $10 million isn’t Jason’s profit, and his business has to pay expenses: salaries, taxes and other payments. So calculating all Jason’s gum business earned $1.2 million; after deducting expenses, last year.’ Now Greenblatt ask ‘knowing all this should the investor buy Jason’s gum business share at $12 apiece?’ To find that out author explains ‘Jason has divided his business into I million equal shares, i.e. if the whole business earned $1,200,000, each share earned one millionth of that amount, so $1,200,000 divided by 1,000,000 is $1.20, each $12 share was entitled to $1.20 in earnings.’ According to Greenblatt that is a good deal because $1.20 divided by $12 gives 10% returns, which is better than U.S government bond. Now the author brings another question ‘okay the business earned $1.20 per share last year, but whether the business will be that much successful: gain or loses – next year also?’ Greenblatt understands that it is difficult question to answer not only for the small investor but also the big professional money managers.

Chapter 4   

Greenblatt in the chapter explains the working of a share market; and for that he goes into his class room making students understand the wide variety of fluctuations of share price form day to day or week by week. Author uses an example: say that the price of one share of General Electric was $35 yesterday and the highest price that General Electric share have sold for over the last year was $53 per share. Pointing these variations Greenblatt ask ‘how can this be? And adds that - ‘it cannot be possible that a company is worth $30 billion becomes $60 billion one day or few months later.’ The easy answer to this according to the author is ’people go nuts.’ For explaining in detail the reason for this crazy fluctuation in market/share price, Greenblatt use Benjamin Graham crazy guy named Mr. Market – who is subject to wild mood swings. Author explains ‘each day Mr. Market offers to buy your share of business or sell you his share of the business at a particular price. Mr. Market always leaves the decision completely to you and everyday you have three choices: you can sell your share to Mr. Market at his stated price, you can buy Mr. Market’s share at that same price or you can do nothing. Sometime Mr. Market is in such a good mood that he quotes a price that is much higher that the true worth of the business, on these days, it would probably make sense for you to sell Mr. Market your share of the business. On other days, he is in such a poor mood that he names a very low price for the business, on these days, you might want to take advantage of Mr. Market’s crazy offer to sell you shares at such a low price and to buy Mr. Market’s share of the business. If the price named by Mr. Market is neither high nor extraordinary low relative to the value of the business, you might very logically choose to do nothing. That in a nutshell how stock market works.’ Greenblatt further adds that Benjamin Graham practice of investing with a ‘margin of safety,’ i.e. the difference between your estimated value per share of say $70 and the purchase price of your share of perhaps $37 would represent a margin of safety for your investment. At this point Greenblatt says ‘understanding all this is okay, but adds that the problem of finding what a business is worth still exists.’      

 Chapter 5   

In the chapter Greenblatt once gain goes back to the original problem that – ‘it is hard to predict the future and if we can’t predict the future earnings of a business, then it is hard to place a value on that business. And if we can’t value a business, then even if Mr. Market goes crazy sometimes and offers us unbelievable bargain prices, we won’t recognize them.’ So author says ‘rather than focusing on things that we don’t know, let’s go after things that we do know. ’ The first point which Greenblatt wants the reader/small investor to focus on is earnings yield, and in explaining that author asks the following question ‘if you could buy a share of Jason’s Gum business; from Chapter 1, for $12, which of these earnings results would you prefer? Would you prefer that Jason’s business had earned $1.20 per share last year, $2.40 per share or$3.60 per share? In other words, would you prefer that the earnings yield calculated using last year’s earnings was 10%, 20% or 30%? Obviously, you would rather go for higher earnings yield than the lower ones. The second point Greenblatt wants the reader/investor to look for is return on capital, for example – what if we found out that it cost Jason $400,000 to build each of his gum stores, and that each of those stores earned him $200,000 last year. That would mean, at least based on last year’s result that a typical store in Jason’s business earns $200,000 each year from an initial investment of only $400,000, i.e. 50% yearly returns: which is good.’   

 Chapter 6   

The chapter contains Greenblatt’s magic formula, author ask – ‘what would happen if we decided only to buy shares in good business; one with high returns on  capital, but only when they were available at bargain prices; priced to give in high earnings yield? Greenblatt’s short answer is ‘we will make a lot of money.’ Thereon author explains how the magic formula chooses good companies at bargain prices – ‘the formula starts with a list of the largest 3,500 companies available for trading on one of the major U.S. stock exchanges. It then assigns a rank to those companies, from 1 to 3,500 based on their return on capital, i.e. company whose business had the highest return on capital would be assigned a rank of 1, and the company with the lowest return on capital would receive a rank of 3,500. Then the formula proceeds, but this time, the ranking is done using earnings yield, i.e. the company with highest earnings yield is assigned a rank of 1 and the lowest a rank of 3,500. Finally, the formula combines the rankings: the formula looks for companies that have the best combination of these two factors. For example, a company that ranked 232nd best in returns on capital and 153rd high in earnings yield could receive a combined ranking of 385; 232+153. Greenblatt ends this chapter with claim that a portfolio of 30 or so of the highest ranked stocks will be a good investment.     

 Chapter 7   

Greenblatt in the chapter takes different approaches and tries to prove that the magic formula works regardless of the situations. The first situation which the author talks about is that ‘the magic formula may be picking companies that are so small that few people can really buy them, i.e. often small companies have very few shares available for purchasing and even a small amount of demand for these share can push share prices higher. If that is the case, the formula may look great on paper, but in the real world, great results can’t be replicated. That’s why it is important that the companies chosen by the magic formula be pretty large. To test this author chooses the largest 2,500 companies; the smallest companies in this group have market value of at least $200 million. After calculating the magic formula doubled the market’s average annual return. Then Greenblatt narrowed the group of companies to just 1000 stock with companies with market value over $1 billion. There again magic formula doubled the market’s average annual return. Author used the magic formula in few more situations and as before the magic formula produced better than market average annual returns.’

 Chapter 8   

Author in the chapter ask the question – ‘how can our strategy keep working after everyone knows about it?’ The first part of the answer according to Greenblatt is that ‘it turns out that there are plenty of times when the magic formula doesn’t work at all, sometime the magic formula doesn’t work for full year or even more.’ Greenblatt paints a picture ‘imagine an investor diligently watching stocks specified by the magic formula doing worse against the market average over the course of many months or even years, and finally deciding enough is enough, no more formulas, and the investor goes on investing in the market after his own investigation, only a few days after buying the shares; after own investigation, investor notices that they are doing very badly. Later investor will realize that the badly behaving stocks specified by the magic formula will be doing greater than the stock the investor picked.’ According to the author ‘in the long run the magic formula is always correct.’

 Chapter 9    

In the chapter author tries to highlight the point why magic formula makes sense?’ In answering this Greenblatt say ‘the magic formula chooses companies through a ranking system; both high return on capital and high earnings yield, i.e. magic formula helps in finding above average companies than can be bought at below average prices.’ In elaborating on this point author specifies that ‘companies that earn a high return on capital may also have the opportunity to invest some or all of their profit at high rate of return – this is very valuable and can contribute to high rate of earning growth. And companies that achieve a high return on capital are likely to have a special advantage of some kind and this special advantage keeps competitions from destroying the ability to earn above average profit. In the same way, by eliminating companies that earn ordinary or poor return on capital, the magic formula starts with a group of companies that have a high return on capital and then tries to buy these above average companies at below average prices. 

Chapter 10   

In the chapter author talks about risks and specifies that when thinking about risk it is better to know the following things: first, what is the risk of losing money following that strategy over the long term? Second, what is the risk that your chosen strategy will perform worse than alternative strategy over the long term? Even against above given definition of risk – magic formula strategy never loses money, i.e. the magic formula strategy achieved better results with less risk than the market averages. Greenblatt ends this chapter with the statement – ‘although over the short term, Mr. Market may set stock prices based on emotions, over long term, it is the value of the company that became most important to Mr. Market, meaning if you buy shares at what you believe to be a bargain price and you are right, Mr. Market will eventually agree and offer to buy these shares at a fair price.’   

 Chapter 11   

In the chapter Greenblatt talks to the investor who still does not trust the magic formula and wants to ‘pick stocks all by themselves.’ Author actually encourages investor to use ‘it; magic formula, merely as one tool in the toolbox and use it as a filter and to eliminate bad stocks, then just pick from among the top ones from the formula. The overwhelming message of this chapter is that as Greenblatt say ‘most people have no business investing in individual stocks on their own.’ Author also re-emphasizes that picking winning stocks is even difficult for the big professional money managers.  

 Chapter 12   

Author stresses the point that ‘money won’t magically appear under your pillow, and once you have left the warmth and comfort of your home, you are on our own.’ Thereon Greenblatt goes on to explain different ways ‘how an investor can invest in the stock market like mutual funds, hedge funds, and index funds. Each of the above mentioned according to the author has their positive and negative points. By the end of the chapter Greenblatt once again states that ‘by applying in the magic formula you can achieve extraordinary long term investment return and that you can achieve those returns with low risk.’

 Chapter 13    

Greenblatt ends the book with the firm belief that - ‘I believe that using the magic formula and the principle behind the magic formula to guide your future investment will remain one of your best investment alternative. I believe that if you are able to stick with the magic formula strategy through good period and bad, you will handsomely beat the market average over time. In short, I believe that even after everyone knows the magic formula, your results will continue to be not only quite satisfactory, but with a little luck extraordinary.’ In the final pages of the book ‘appendix’ author lays out how to apply magic formula, with the help of website.

Final thoughts

This great book, written in straight forward and accessible style, is in truth an introduction on how to pick stock and reveals Greenblatt’s time tested formula that makes buying above average companies at below average price automatic.


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